Upcoming Events At St Peter's

Parish 'Winter Warmers'

Venue: Stanton Lacy Village Hall

Supported by the Parish Council and St Peter’s Church, Stanton Lacy has set up ‘Winter Warmer’ soup lunches, operating from the Village Hall. The brainchild of Robin Gatehouse, local farmer and former chair of the Village Hall Committee, the aim has been to offer a place for hot food, warmth and companionship during the winter months.

The first event was held in December 2022. Such was its success that it ran monthly thorughout the winter of 2022/3 and we have kept it going each winter ever since. 

In these difficult times it shows real community strength and just what can be achieved by active local leadership and a range of volunteers. 

So, soup makers step forward please! 

To book your place and/or to provide help at the events contact Robin Gatehouse on 07977 913004 or Jennette Arnold on 07568 083322

Everyone welcome.

Snowdrop Weekend

Date: 8th and 9th February 2025

Time: From 2pm to 4.30pm

Our beautiful Snowdrops are getting ready and beginning to emerge for their  annual display. 

Join us to enjoy this wonderful show and help raise funds for the Church.

Refreshments, homemade cakes and preserves all available to buy.

It will be a particulalry special occasion this year as our new on-site kitchen and toilet facilities will be available. 

Everyone welcome.

Lent and Easter 2025

Lent is the annual Christian time of reflection, fasting, prayers and penance, in preparation for the resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday. It lasts for 40 days and represents  the period that  Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness.

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on 5th March. We  mark that important day with a service of the Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes at our sister Church, St Mary the Virgin, Bromfield at 7.30pm.

Holy Week is indeed a period of contrasts, with Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem being celebrated on Palm Sunday.

Lent 2025 will end on 17th April with Maundy Thursday; and will be followed by Good Friday on 18th April. . 

Our Easter Sunday service will be on 20th April at 9.15am.

You can see the 'Propers' for each of the Holy Week services held in the Benefice on our website here 


Date: March through to April 



“We remember that dust we are and to dust we shall return; so we should get on with the important job of living well whilst we still can do so.

Lent will end in the  joy of the Easter resurrection, so keep the faith and live in the hope, for Ash Wednesday reminds us too that the Easter hope and Spring are not far behind”

Rev’d Fr Justin Parker - Rector of Bromfield Benefice 



The Church of England’s Lent theme for 2025 is Living Hope.

In Lent we journey with Jesus on the difficult and thorny road that leads all the way to the cross on Good Friday – and beyond, to the transformation of Easter Day.

God invites us to bring to him our own journey through everyday life. In the disappointment of daily setbacks and the pain of deeper hurts, we discover that God is present with us. And God promises a future where all things are healed and made new.  

Living Hope offers us the opportunity to deepen our hope in God and be part of what God is doing to bring hope in the world.




Lenten Lunch

Date: Wednesday 26th March 2025

Time: From 12.30pm to 2.30pm

Venue: Stanton Lacy Village Hall

Please join us at the Village Hall to mark Lent with a simple meal of home made soup, bread and cheese provided by local parishioners.

Lunch is free, but donations are welcome. All proceeds will go to support our work to fund fabric repairs and maintenences at St Peter's.

Places are limited so please contact Jennette Arnold, Church Warden on 07568 083322 to book your place.

All welcome.

Previous Events at St Peter's

Image by J. S. Arnold

We managed to begin organising events again at St Peter's, post-Covid, from September 2021.

If you would like to see what we have been up to, please click on the link below;

Previous Events